53 Thoughtful Sympathy Messages for The Loss of a Pet
Maybe you are looking for sincere words to comfort a loved one who has recently suffered the loss of a beloved pet. We have put together fifty-three sympathy messages for the loss of a pet to help you.

Who is your close friend? For many, it could be someone's name, but for many, the answer is their pet. After a long time of raising and living together, sometimes a pet is no longer just a dog, a cat or an animal but has become a friend or a family member.
A life filled with barking, meowing, chirping or simply watching pets eat and sleep daily is inherent in any pet family. However, just as humans all experience birth - aging - illness - death, the time pets can be our companions are also limited. If someday they come home, their pets have gone, that hurts.
If you have been or are going through losing your pet, here are some words of comfort for you. Or if someone you know is going through this sadness, you can use 53 meaningful sympathy messages for the loss of a pet to write a card to comfort them.
What You Should Write In A Pet Sympathy Card
If a loved one has recently been through the loss of their beloved pet, you may be looking for the right words to express your condolences. The best way to write sympathy messages for the loss of a pet is too comforting words and let them know you are always there to support them. To get started, let's use the quotes below or let the quotes inspire a message for your pet sympathy cards.
- I am so regrettably to hear about your loss. We will never forget the beautiful memories with your pet.

Catholic sympathy message for loss of a pet
- Your heart must be breaking because of the loss of your pet. I am always on your side if you need help.

Condolence for loss of dog
- Losing your pet is not easy. May the memorable memories with your pet will help you and your family get through this difficult time.

Condolence message for loss of dog
- Your little buddy is a great friend. He will always hold a remarkable place in our hearts.

Condolence message for loss of pet
- "If there is a heaven, it's certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them." - Pam Brown.

Condolence message for pet
- My sincere condolences. Though the time with your pet may not be too long, it must be one of the most beautiful times in your life.

Condolence message for pet loss
- You and your pet are true friends. No matter what, he will be in your heart forever.

Condolence messages for loss of dog
- Your pet was so loved when he was with you. Now he is in peace in heaven.

Condolence messages for loss of pet
- "Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because, in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” – Amy Sedaris.

Condolences for a dog
- I am so sorry for your loss. Your pet has gone, but your bond and love will never fade.

Condolences for dog
- I know you are heartbroken and miss your pet so much. My sincere thought is always with you.

Condolences message for loss of dog
- We will miss your little buddy so much. I hope that your good memories will comfort you during this difficult time.

Condolences message for loss of pet
- My heartfelt condolences to you and your family for losing your little buddy.

Dog sympathy messages
- Your pet is such a meaningful member of your family. No words can express my most in-depth regret over his passing.

Free sympathy messages for loss of pet
- Losing your little pet is an excruciatingly painful feeling. My deepest condolences to you.

Loss of pet card message
- My heart is breaking for your loss. I can not imagine how grieving you feel for losing your pet. Please know I am always there for you.

Loss of pet sympathy message
- Losing a true friend is never easy. Know that you are always in my sincere thoughts and prayer.

Loss of pet sympathy messages
- I am so sorry for you for losing your little buddy. I am glad your pet has had a happy life with a wonderful owner.

Lost pet sympathy messages
- I know how important pets are to you, sending you all the love and strength to get through this loss.

Message for pet loss
- Nothing can replace your pet's place in your heart, my condolences.

Message of sympathy for loss of pet
- Your pet is a truly wonderful friend, we will always miss him.

Message to write in sympathy card for loss of pet
- Your true friend is gone but the love is still going on.

Pet condolence message
What You Should Write In A Sympathy Card For A Dog
Dogs are intelligent and loyal animals, so many people choose them as friends. When that good friend had to leave, it was extremely painful.
To send sympathy messages for the loss of a pet to comfort them, you can write the most sincere words of encouragement or condolences. The followings are some messages and famous quotes you can lean on.
- Your pet is an intelligent little dog. The loss of your buddy is massive.

Pet condolence messages
- Your house is so empty without your lovely dog. My sincere thought is always with you and your family.

Pet loss condolences messages
- So sorry to hear about your dog passing. I will never forget the good times we played with your dog.

Pet loss sympathy message
- You and your dog had a good time together. Hoping you are strong enough to get through this loss.

Pet loss sympathy messages
- It's too hard to say goodbye to your dog. Your little friend will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Pet sympathy message
- I know you miss your amazing and loyal dog so much. It's hard to say goodbye to such a great companion.

Pet sympathy notes
- May the beautiful memories with your beloved dog warm your heart during this difficult time.

Sample sympathy message for loss of pet
- "I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?" - Walter Scott

Sample sympathy messages for loss of pet
- All good things must come to an end, your little buddy has already left you. But all of the memories about your dog will always remain in your heart.

Short sympathy messages for loss of pet
- The good memories and friendship between you and your dog will last forever. I hope that all help you through this difficult time.

Simple sympathy message for loss of pet
- Your little dog is a kind and loyal friend. I know why you feel so hurt about the loss of your dog. Condolatory to you.

Sympathy card message for loss of pet
- Losing your dog is a terrible thing but I know his love for you will always be with you.

Sympathy card messages for loss of pet
- I am so regretful of the loss of your dog. My sincere prayer is always with you and your family.

Sympathy card messages for loss of pets
- So lucky that you and your dog have met. Your dog has had a happy life with you.

Sympathy for lost dog
- "Love is love," I told her, as I tell all of my patients who are ashamed to find themselves shattered by the death of a dog. "Loss is loss." - Meg Donohue, Dog Crazy: A Novel of Love Lost and Found.

Sympathy message for a loss of a pet
What You Should Write In A Sympathy Card For A Cat
What could be more difficult than saying goodbye to an adorable cat? For any cat owner, it has become an indispensable part of life. So losing your beloved cat is too hurt and it takes a long time to get over it.
If you know someone who recently has loosened their cat, please support them through this difficult time. There are many ways to encourage your friends, one of them you can give sympathy messages for the loss of a pet.
- Your cat was such a sweet kitty, we miss him so much.

Sympathy message for a pet
- I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely cat. I hope that the memory of your happy time will keep you moving on.

Sympathy message for loss of a pet
- Your cat is a furry sweet angel. I always remember the fun moment with him.

Sympathy message for loss of cat
- When your cat becomes a memory, this memory is worthy.

Sympathy message for loss of dog
- I am so regrettable for the loss of your beloved kitty.

Sympathy message for loss of pet
- Though your little friend is gone, his love and soul are always on your side.

Sympathy message for loss of pet cat
- My deepest condolence to you and your family for the loss. Your kitty will be waiting for his owner in a beautiful place.

Sympathy message for loss of pet dog
- No matter how long the cat is with you, his love for you lasts a lifetime.

Sympathy message for loss of pet dog rainbow bridge
- Though your cat's life is over, he will live forever in our hearts.

Sympathy message for loss of pet dog rainbow e
- Your kitty is not just a cat, he is a true friend.

Sympathy message for loss of pets
- Your cat chooses you as his owner for life. When he leaves, the memory of your cat will stay with you for a lifetime.

Sympathy message for pet
- Your home is without your kitty because he has moved into your heart.

Sympathy message for pet loss
- Although your kitty has left your life, he has never left your heart.

Sympathy message loss of pet
- It's hard to say goodbye, your kitty was once an important part of your life, and always will be.

Sympathy messages for dogs
- I always thinking about you and your kitty. If you have something to talk about, I'm always willing to listen.

Sympathy messages for loss of pets
- My condolences, I hope the good memories with your cat will help you through this difficult time.

Sympathy note for loss of dog
Wrapping up
Losing a pet is inevitable, but no one wants it to happen. The love between humans and pets is almost a disinterested feeling. With you or anyone who has a pet, your pet is more than just an animal. It's entirely up to us to grieve over their loss.
If you want to comfort someone during this difficult time, sympathy messages for the loss of a pet are the right choice. Even if you don't know how just always be there and listen to them when needed.