80 In Loving Memory Quotes to Inspire You to Find Your Own Words
Losing a loved one, or consoling someone who lost a loved one is never easy. In loving memory quotes make it easier so we’ve compiled this list for you.

How you feel regarding death, how you grieve a loved one and how you console someone during a difficult time all help you nurture yourself and grow. Death is something we can never avoid. Just looking at the newspaper reminds us of the countless lives that were lost today.
In dealing with death, we may want to be sympathetic and comforting to all those around us. Pieces of writing or art are always good distractions to help with grief. Relating a poem to your loved one who passed is sure to help you see a silver lining, hard as it may be.
It can be difficult to find the right words to say during someone’s eulogy or when you’ve lost somebody of your own. In loving memory quotes aren’t hard to come by. But deciding the appropriate thing to say based on the context of the situation can be daunting.
Today, we’ve created a list of popular quotes and types of quotes based on the relevant context to help inspire you to find words of your own. The following quotes may even help you see the light where previously you only saw darkness.
In Loving Memory Quotes For Any Instance
First, let’s familiarize ourselves with a few in loving memory quotes that can be used for any condolence messages. These are our top 5 favorite quotes to remember someone who passed:
- "Your wings were ready, but my heart was not."
- "We only part to meet again."
- "Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you Until we meet again."
- "The years may pass, but still, you stay. As near and dear as yesterday."
- "Beautiful memories silently kept. Of one that we loved and will never forget."

In Loving Memory Quotes for Any Instance
Categories Of Remembrance Quotes
If you find yourself at a loss for words after the death of a loved one, don’t worry. It’s completely natural for that to happen. Whether it’s a close acquaintance, a family member or a friend, the best idea is to speak from the heart.
Should you find yourself in a situation such as this, you might take a look at some of the quotes we’ve listed below. These will help and inspire you to say the words your heart desires.
1. Memorial Quotes For A Eulogy
The passing of anyone is a great sorrow to all of humankind. Each time someone passes away, it causes immense grief to all who were around them. But it's important to share in the love they left and celebrate their life.
A eulogy at their funeral with some memorial quotes is one of the best ways to do so. Eulogies are meant to enlighten people about the person who passed; their achievements, their hobbies, and the relationship they shared with their families.
The person in charge of a eulogy carries a great responsibility. Fitting someone’s entire life into a short speech isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you are grieving.

Quotes for a Eulogy
Inserting a quote that relates to the life of the deceased is a great way to engage everyone at the funeral whilst remembering them. Below is a list of 10 in-loving memory sayings you might find useful while writing a eulogy:
- "Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there has been a trail of memories."
- "There are special people in our lives that never leave, even after they’re gone."
- "To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die."
- "We know you’d be with us today, if heaven wasn’t so far away."

Funeral quotes for loved ones
- "In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place, no one else ever will."
- "I have so much of you in my heart." – John Keats
- "And I will see you again someday, in the clouds."

Good funeral quotes
- "There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart." – Mahatma Gandhi
- "Goodbyes hurt when the story is not finished and the book has been closed forever."
- "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality." – Emily Dickinson
2. In loving Memory Sayings To Put On Sympathy Cards
A sympathy message is never easy to write. What can you say to someone who just lost their entire world? A mere “I’m sorry for your loss,” just doesn’t cut it.
Nonetheless, you may want to show your support to the bereaved during this difficult time in their life.
If you’re unable to visit them in person, make sure your condolences reach them. Often, the support of your surroundings can lessen the burden of having lost a loved one.

Sayings to put on Sympathy Cards
For your sympathy card, you could include in loving memory sayings and quotes that relate to the deceased. Remembering the cheerful life that once was could help family members overcome the grief and sorrow of their loss.
Below, we have listed 10 of our favorite quotes that are appropriate to put on a sympathy card:
- "Words fall short but hopefully caring goes the distance. Thinking of you at this difficult time."
- "Praying you’ll have all the time you need for God’s love to gently fill the empty spaces with comfort and peace."
- "Though our words can do little, we hope our thoughts and prayers will support you at this time."
- "While there is no way we can feel your pain, we do feel your loss. Peace and love to you and your family during this sorrowful time."
- "I can’t take the empty space that’s been left, but I want you to know I care and I’m sorry for your loss."
- Sometimes there are no words.
- "Wishing you strength, support, comfort, and caring as you recover."
- "May you find comfort in the love of friends and family and never forget the cherished memories."
- "May the beautiful memories that fill your heart help to bring you comfort."
- "Thinking of you and hoping each day that passes will let in a little more sunshine."
3. Quotes Remembering Mom
The loss of a parent is undoubtedly the most difficult loss for a child to face. Our parents can’t be with us forever. Despite knowing that, the sorrow never truly goes away.
Speaking your own mother’s eulogy is something most people have to face at some point in their lives.
Even if you’re facing the loss of a friend or acquaintance's mother, this is the worst type of loss one can be left to deal with. The aftermath of losing one’s mother is usually losing balance on the very ground they walk.

Quotes Remembering Mom
We can’t ask you to be prepared to speak coherently at a time of loss like that. But we could always help the words come out a bit cleared with some in-loving memory sayings for mom. So, here is a list of 10 quotes that you could relate to the loss of a mother:
- "Mom, your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure; you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure."
- "I have an angel watching over me, she is my mom."
- "Sometimes, the person you need to talk to most is in heaven."
- "I wish God didn’t need you in heaven because I need you here."
- "She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings."
- “There is something about losing a mother that is permanent and inexpressible – a wound that will never quite heal.” – Susan Wiggs
- "Remembering my mom who asked for so little but gave so very much."
- "You saw me take my first breath; I saw you take your last."
- “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
- "Time eases the edge of grief; Memory turns back every leaf."
4. Dad Memory Quotes
More often than not, a dad is a hero. Every child looks up to his/ her dad and feels protected, safe, and loved. Losing a father means losing security and safety in one’s life.
Fathers don’t receive enough love in their lifetimes. You know the saying that goes, “Most men receive their first bouquet at their funeral.” The saying is true, men and particularly fathers, don’t receive the appreciation they deserve while they are still with us.
Losing a father is a devastating event in anybody’s life. Their relationship with their children and their families is one of the strongest relationships known to man. Coming up with words or in loving memory quotes for dad and this relationship leaves most speechless.

Quotes in Memory of Dad
If you or your loved ones have lost a father, or a father figure recently, you might be looking for comfort. In that case, we implore you to look at these 10 quotes to help ease the pain:
- "The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day; but the love and memory of you shall never pass away."
- "He asked for so little, yet gave so very much."
- "Dad, heaven is too far away."
- "Dad, I never thought I’d have to do life without you."
- "My dad isn’t here, but he’s watching in heaven."
- "Heaven needed a hero. God picked my dad."
- "In memory of a man whose life touched so many. To my father – may you rest in peace."
- “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” – Bessie Anderson Stanley
- "Our Dad will be in our hearts forever."
- "He was first my dad, then became my best friend. Now he’s my angel.
5. In Loving Memory Quotes For Grandparents
Grandparents provide unconditional love that can only be matched by a mother or a father. Grandparents are the guardian angels of a family and deserve every bit of love and kindness.
A lot of people don’t even get to meet their grandparents. So, if you have met and spent time with at least one of your grandparents, you should consider yourself very lucky.

In Loving Memory Quotes for Grandparents
Losing the shelter of wisdom, experience, and warmth is a difficult thing to grieve. The sorrow of losing a secondary set of parents never truly goes away. And so, we suggest nurturing and loving your grandparents while you still can.
When faced with the loss of a grandparent, take a look at one of these 10 in-loving memory sayings and quotes to remember your protectors:
- "I have two angels in heaven and I call them Grandma and Grandpa."
- "My grandparents had silver in their hair and gold in their hearts."
- "God saw them getting tired and a cure was not to be. So, He put His arms around them and said Come to me."
- "Sometimes I look up, smile, and say “I know that was you”."
- “As is a tale, so is a life: Not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters” – Seneca
- "You left me beautiful memories, your love is still my guide. And although we cannot see you, you’re always at my side."
- "I know heaven must be beautiful right now, because they have you."
- "What we once have enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us." – Helen Keller
- "We carry you with us always, everywhere we go."
- “This loss feels like an ache between my ribs / it's sad and scary / but soft and steady” —Emmy Marucci.
6. Famous Memorial Quotes
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences that a person can go through. The emptiness and pain of their absence can be overwhelming. The loss of someone close to us can bring a range of intense emotions, such as sadness, anger, and disbelief. It can also be a time of deep reflection, as we think back on all the precious moments we shared and the love that we will always carry in our hearts.

Famous Memorial Quotes
Memorial quotes are a powerful way to pay tribute to those we have lost, celebrate their lives, and remember them in a way that honors the special bond we shared with them. These quotes can provide solace and comfort during a time of grief, and they can also help to keep our loved ones' memories alive forever.
- "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day." - Unknown
- "Forever in our hearts, always on our minds." - Unknown
- "In loving memory of a life that will never be forgotten." - Unknown
- "Gone but not forgotten, may you rest in peace." - Unknown
- "The memories we have shared will always be with us." - Unknown
- "Always remembered, forever loved." - Unknown
- "The love we shared will never die, it will only grow stronger." - Unknown
- "Your memory is a treasure, in which we will always hold close." - Unknown
- "Until we meet again, may you rest in eternal peace." - Unknown
- "A life so beautifully lived, a heart so deeply loved." - Unknown
- "A light has gone out of our lives, but the love you gave will shine forever." - Unknown

Quotes about memories
- "The wind may carry you away, but your love will always remain." - Unknown
- "In the hearts of those who loved you, you will live forever." - Unknown
- "We will hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain." - Unknown
- "Though you may be gone, the love you left behind will always stay." - Unknown
7. Memorial Quotes For Couples
Having someone you love and someone who loves you back can be a precious gift in your life. Your special someone will always make you smile, and feel better, compromise with you, listen to you, and be a constant source of support. The right person will lift and inspire you to chase your dreams and follow the goals you’ve always wanted to pursue. Whether you or your partner has been together for short or many years, the love can bring a sense of comfort and peace to both.
Losing someone we love can be a heartbreaking and overwhelming experience. It is hard to imagine your life without that person. The void left by their absence can be overwhelming, the feeling of sadness, loss, and grief can be a huge missing in your heart.

Memorial Quotes For Couples
We hope these memorial quotes for couples will bring you some comfort and hope, and they can help us to keep the love and memories of our loved ones alive in our hearts.
- "Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart." - Unknown
- "A love like yours will never die, it will only grow stronger with time." - Unknown
- "Forever bound by love, forever in each other's hearts." - Unknown
- "Your love will live on, shining brighter each day." - Unknown
- "Together is a beautiful place to be." - Unknown
- "A love as true as yours will always live on." - Unknown
- "In life and in death, your love will always be our guiding light." - Unknown
- "You will always be my forever and always." - Unknown

Always together quotes for couples
- "Love is not just a feeling, it's a promise to always be there." - Unknown
- "Our love will never fade, it will only grow stronger with each passing day." - Unknown
- "Together forever, hand in hand, heart to heart." - Unknown
- "Love is not what we had in the past, it's what we have today and what we will have in the future." - Unknown
- "A love like ours will endure, even beyond death." - Unknown
- "You will always hold a special place in my heart." - Unknown
- "Forever my love, forever my soulmate." - Unknown
They Will Be Missed
Loss, death, and everything else surrounding it put you in an awkward limbo state of being. You can’t believe they’re gone but you can no longer crawl into their arms when you’re sad.
Death brings about an overwhelming amount of grief and it seems like you can never get over it. Whatever supreme being you may believe, you must also believe that they never burden you with that which you can’t handle.
So, trust you’ll overcome the grief; not all together but day by day it’ll get just a little bit better.
We hope the quotes in today’s article helped you in some way. Let us know if you would like more articles such as this one.